Solidary Authors & Artists Association's PledgePage

Goals and Objectives:
The objectives included in the Bylaws' Association are:

The Association orientates its artistic, economic and human resources to achieve the following goals and objectives:

1. To support and protect the human dignity proclaimed in the Universal Declaration of the Human Rights by the United Nations.
2. To create and support artistic activities with a special emphasis on the aspects that define and promote the great significance of Art in opening the right way to interchange and union of the cultures. The art also incorporates effectively in the education, making it more tolerant, open and adequate, based on the values of respect, liberty, justice and solidarity between the people, which is the essential base for the building of a new world.
3. To help the people realize the necessity of protecting the natural resources of the planet and all the beings that inhabit it.
4. To program and promote artistic and cultural events as (not only) to report (inform against) the situations that are causing poverty and military conflicts, as well as (but also) in direct action by means of prepared programs for help in case of emergency or catastrophes.
5. To organize artistic and cultural activities that will make our life more sensible in social and cultural aspect, and also to support the right causes.
6. To promote the creation and achievement of (to) mutual projects and cooperation between all type of authors and artists.
7. To facilitate the interchange (exchange) of ideas, projects and anxieties between all kinds of professionals, being or not being associated.
8. To favour all acts of cooperation, making the Art not only culture entertainment but also converting the Art into a new way of consciousness and help, in benefit to all the human beings populating the Earth.